Friday, February 27, 2009

First 1a.m. Vision Casting of 2009!

Just a couple of hours ago, the whole of 1a.m. came together for the first time this year to fellowship, worship together and also share on this year's plans!
In case you do not know, every last Thursday of the month, everyone involve in 1a.m. will come together in either Vision Casting or Worship Encounter. to know the difference of the two, you need to come then will know lor... =)

but this year, the ministry is launching the theme of having a devotional-lifestyle. everyone will own a devo book and do devo daily and weekly memory verse starting this March! wooo hooo...

like i say to the dancers and projectionists, it's always good to try and 'taste,' maybe u'll discover that the Lord is good in this new thing... if u've not gotten one, get one and let's taste together.
all it takes is 10mins a day for the devo and constant checking on the memory verse.

I'm sure God gave us powerful brains to memorise His words too! haha...

a little reminder to always sign in when you come!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

water-friendlier for you!

in case you've not noticed there's a water dispenser down AT THE FOYER! woo hooo..
although it's not plugged in for hot and cold water, at least now you don't need to take a flight of stairs for a drink!
we are trying to be a friendlier church. so enjoy the services, more new upgrades coming along!
if you're a new visitor, be sure to get your goodies...

at 6am

at 6am i arrived at the office on feb 26 2009. i thought i was early.
but lights were already on in the church. guess what..? Neil & Dan stayed overnight here recording for the upcoming album! talk about committed. though the bandmates are a lil bit crazy but they really take their work seriously. please buy our albums! =)

*should have taken a shot of neil's just-woke-up-surprised-to-see-me face and post it! oh well, maybe next time...

office devo

Since this blog is about discovering Eaglepoint, let me start with the office.

every tuesday, about 1pm, everyone in the office will gather into pastor tim's room and devote one hour to do devotion and pray. someone on schedule will share a word, lead a prayer then pastor will usually take on. He will share the word close to his heart or in his own devo and lead us in another round of prayers and always end with praying for the upcoming happenings in the church. this has been our culture since like 5 or 6 years ago.
if u happen to be in the neighborhood on tuesday afternoon, do come join us in fellowship and in prayer! it's a great way to start the week. surrendering to God! let me share ONE of the things that pastor shared in devo before that had stuck with me for years!
once, long time ago, Pastor Tim shared that in Genesis 1, God created everything in a week. Everyday, He did just what He intended to do. He didnt do more and didnt do less. Just the perfect amount. and Pastor encourages us to start our week by praying for a Genesis kind of a week. where we do that which God has intended for us - not be stressed and not be lazy too!
i just thought that this is still such a revelation for me. if u're stressed at work, start praying for a genesis week at the beginning of your week!