Thursday, June 25, 2009

office outing - june 17

i think it's the first official office lepak-outing in my mind... not count those times where we go for birthday lunch or dinner lah.

so on june 17, we all leave office about 4pm, went to catch the 6pm movies at KLCC. some of us watched the ALIEN vs MONSTERS in 3D and those who do not fancy cartoons, went for STATE OF PLAY with Russell Crowe.
after that, we adjourned to Hotel Maya for buffet dinner! yahoooo....

we also celebrated the belated birthday of kel.

while everyone shared something about Kel, this is Kaz, trying to do a dance for kel. hahaha...
all in all, we had a a fun-ny time together.
sorry about the dark pictures. my phone camera got limitations. but i do welcome it if anyone would like to sponsor a better phone for better pictures for the blog... hehehe...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

when the pastors are not around...

yesterday, we had a great time! hahahah...
pastor tim was away at me n my daddy camp.
pastor cat and kel and the 1a.m. band were away at Ipoh ministering.
pastor steven was away at a family retreat.

and we had a young and younger service - i mean literally!!!!
muah.. ha... ha...hahaha..

we had all the teens in the house...
we had the youngest preacher for snl.
wai foong song leading for the first time by herself.
hao ying sharing testimony with odd pieces of clothings
(it was last minute for her cos she was wearing sleeveless tee, shorts, slippers after the camp and if u are going on stage, those are all the no-nos, so she borrowed esther's shoes, someone else's jacket but shorts cant help it.. aahha... she's just funny!)
and it's my first time hosting!
it was pretty stressful... i was collecting offering, executing the service, hosting snl, making announcements (pc want it to be compelling to ppl kind of announcement), hosting hao ying for testimony, introducing the preacher of snl, sharing testimony at his message and locking up the church after the service... so i practically ran the service! it was stressful. u can see from the amount of scribbles at my order of service.

i wanted to shoot the service and show u but i was too stressed with the things i have to do that i forgot to shoot! hahaha...

i shared that to let you know that Max shared on the message of LIVING A LARGER LIFE and Alex preached about have imperishable goals in living a busy life!
just two things:
1. please join in sharing the load of building the house of God.
2. please encourage all the ppl that's building the house each day so that you have an experience every weekend.


Friday, June 5, 2009

pastor and teresa and jayden

ooo... i love these pictures of pastor and teresa and jayden. if you did not know, they went to Hang Zhou for a China leaders summit kinda thing. the culture is so different from us that some of the stories he shared about china were just hilarious. but i'll save you from the spoilers because i'm sure he would be sharing them in the services... so here's the fav pics!

jayden has really got his cute-cheeky smile that just makes u wonder what is he up to... ahhaha