Wednesday, May 25, 2011

德行的定义 Virtues Defined

希腊文: arête Greek: arête
优越的道德品质, 包括思想, 情感和行动
A course of moral excellence that involves thoughts, emotion and action

It has the notion that these virtues / moral excellence will provide the energy, governance to an individual

德行的5个范围 5 areas of Virtues:
1. 尊重 Honor
2. 纯洁 Purity
3. 诚心 Commitment
4. 感激 Gratitude
5. 谦虚 Humility

“A life that Honors God is a life that God Honors”

3个尊重的词句 3 statements on Honor:
1. 尊重由心里开始
Honor begins with the heart
2. 尊重是你决定要给的, 不是他们所应得的
Honor is what you decide to give, not what they deserve
3. 尊重打开门让神可以介入
Honor opens the door for God to intervene

Areas that the Bible exalts us to HONOR
1. 尊重神的家 Honor God’s House
2. 尊重我们的奉献 Honor our giving
3. 尊重我们的父母 Honor our Parents
4. 尊重那些室奉神的人 Honor those who serve God
5. 尊重那些在我们以上的人 Honor those above us
6. 互相尊重 Honor each other
7. 尊重你的婚姻 Honor your marriage
8. 尊重你的领袖 Honor your leaders