Change Your World Ipoh! Yahoo... u wont believe it but the crowd was memorable. we've never had such a responsive crowd. it was truly an enjoyable time for us as well as for them!
the crowd brought food for the poor as well. and there was such a generous pile but sorry guys, i came out towards the end after the last dance so did not manage to take a better shot.
more than 700 people turned up for the event and the hall was quickly packed full to end...
the 3 heads... vincent puah the event manager, wai foong and kah ling both ipoh-gals, one in charge of the ushers and the other in charge of merchandise and redemption!
CYW Ipoh happened on the exact day of Kel/PC FIRST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!! and so we threw a small surprise and made them kiss! but they were shy so didnt manage to caught the fast peck with my poor phone camera lor...