Sunday, September 19, 2010

last weekend

after i type the title, i realised that i often post what happened during the weekend.. haha... ops.. but let me start by the week days then...

We celebrated Max's birthday. I think we've grown out of doing surprises. Ps Steven sent email to all the church staffs to gather at 1:30pm to celebrate Max's birthday and cc to Max some more! hahhaa.a..... and then later, while waiting for Pastor Timothy to finish his meeting and join us, we even ran a rehearsal with Max. He walk in to cafeteria and we started singing and then we sent him back to wait in the office for the real thing! hilarious office celebration!

the church staff cake party for max! decorated table some more! ahahaha...


i think we all sang happy birthday to him, cut the cake, eat it and I don't remember we pray for him! ops! hahaha..

On Saturday night, we were honoured to have guest speaker, Rev Tamara Winslow at 5ive and SNL. Without a doubt, she brought the presence of God. Sitting there without doing anything, I already feel like I was gonna weep like a baby. And the presence of God was so tangible that I can't even stand but got to kneel in His Presence and open my heart to allow God to go deep. What an anointed speaker. I was glad I was in church service.

and on Sunday, I heard feedback that the crowd were laughing so much and enjoyed themselves and even some of the singles that came were able to glean from the video screening. Did you miss service this weekend? You would have missed a lot! We even celebrated PC's birthday at SNL and Mark & Carolyn's anniversary at Sundays Together.

here comes another highlight... PC's girls/her discipleship girls kidnapped her to lunch today! She thought we are going to Chong Hwa Restaurant for lunch on her treat but actually we quietly booked a table for hi-tea at Equatorial Hotel. She was in Hao Ying's car tailing us that's in Charlene's car and she didnt even realise that we did not make the u-turn to go up from Kesas but head straight on to KL. We didn't need to blindfold her because she's a total lost case whenever we reach KL. ahahaha.... when we arrive, the 3-piece 'band' came and sang happy birthday to our surprise. ahahhaa.. so now the whole coffee house knows.

There was no stressful planning or extravagant activities that we did. We just took time to enjoy each other and chat and spend leisure time. I guess the only thing that was extravagant was extravagant time spent and luxury in friendship.

Instead of a cake, we substituted with mooncake as per Mac's idea. Eight of us were just a call away when we announced that we are celebrating PC's birthday. Everyone cleared their calendar to fellowship with her. That's sisterhood for you!

This is probably the only gift that was prepared. A jar of surprises. Instead of asking everyone to write their wishes for her, which most probably will end up with 'happy birthday' on each paper, I wrote like thirty over question papers and each of the girls wrote their answers for a few pieces and some of her close friends did also. Folded it all into the jar for her to open one by one whenever she needs some cheer. hehehe...

some questions include...if pc is a fruit, what fruit would she be? describe a memorable event you had with pc. if there's one thing you can change about pc, what would that be? if pc is your pet, what would she be? if a corn's biggest potential is a popcorn, what do you think is pc's biggest potential? hahahhaa....


and right now, chinese church is having their mooncake party! i heard there was even a lantern riddle - just like old days! Eaglepoint is really a church full of life...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Change Your World Tour...

... happened last Sat, Sep 4, at Sunway Convention Centre. There was a lot of hype on the surface but i believe after the event, many youths responded to the call and stepped in to the ventures to learn more and to contribute to our own community.

But first let me introduce some behind the scenes stories.... starting from the stage and production...

the concert was of course championed mainly by the 1a.m. Relent Band. Daniel (bassist), Cuz (drummer), Jude (keyboard & electric guitar) & Neil (lead vocal & acoustic guitar). The day before the concert, he fell very sick but by faith and much prayers (and tons of bitter 'leung sui') he pushed on to sing the whole night. You would have noticed that he croaked whenever he speaks and the next day, he just totally lost his voice... until even today, he's still resting it...

If you were wondering why did Nina danced in the dark during the opening dance, it was because the bulb that was suppose to spot on her chose to burst right that time, hence there was no spot for her but it's ok... the show must go on!

the dreamers/brains/energy/producers behind CYW are none other than our very own Kelvin & Cathryn Lim. The idea came as a small seed in wanting to make a difference and you've just witnessed how that seed had grown into the CYW at Sunway Convention Centre that night. More and more youths are challenged to come out of their own world to change the world!

Sixteen dancers, laboured over 60 hours of dance routine drilling for the past month. Besides the week night practices, the killer were the 6-7 hours practices every Sundays! By the time i send everyone home, i literally can only crashed to bed! But i truly honor their spirit in working hard together without complain and in one accord towards one goal! Now that it's all over, i do miss the time we spent together every week! hahahaha...

the crew hidden at the back of the hall. they made the sound, lights and video happen at the hall. they are the technical people. i cant even imagine the stress being there making sure the lights and sound coming on accordingly and the video switching from this camera to that camera to create the whole atmosphere! i dont think i want to be the in charge... i'll go crazy!

this is Sin Cheow. i've got to mention a little about him. ever since the first CYW started, he had faithfully took leave for each city that CYW had gone to. he handles all the projection... lyrics, videos, play my songs...

this is charlene to cili padi that's in charge of the stage. she's the stage manager. what and who goes on and off the stage is in her hands. she make sure my chair is taken off the stage, the mic is pass to me at the correct time... she even helped to check the stage floor is without hazardous weapons for the performers like barefooted dancers dancing on industrial staples! PAINFUL! During the break time, she and the stage crews helped to check thru the stage and threw away all the staples that they can find! THANKS THAANKS!

See any faces that you know? Many! that's cos we've mobilised the whole church and church members from other zones and other churches to help out as helper for the event. from security to ushers to selling merchandise to cd redemption to general helpers - ALL church members .. not just from Eaglepoint but from other churches as well. (sorry dont have the facts on all the names of the churches at the moment)

looks like the tee shirts were selling like hot cakes!

besides the event people, the causes that we supports were also there. Tenaganita, Community at Heart, Rakan Cop and Vote Registration Booths... were all there to provide further information for the youths!

ahh.... i must mentioned about GRAFEED! they made over 300 photo frames from scrap boxes and completed the YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE wall art. the frames will eventually be given to the poor families via food bank distribution.

they even rallied the graphic students to come out with the 12 pieces of posters with the theme on HUMAN TRAFFICKING. This is what i call creativity with a purpose!

This is Tham. He not only contributed to the poster behind us, he also helped out in a lot of the graphic work for CYW and church wise... he also helped in the upcoming THE POINT cos i was so packed with the happening. Always serving and Never say Never ah... hahahaha..

and of course the youths came with food contributions for FOOD BANK!

behind every successful man, there's a woman... this is Kelvin's mom! if you've ever heard him share his testimony, you would know that aunty prayed for him for many years to see the changes in him and how God called him at the same time that she was praying for him at a different location!

the night kinda slowed down to the MEET RELENT where there was signing of the album by the band members. many ppl had put in much effort for the night... Vincent Puah & Janice were the two coordinators, Ps Steven rallied the event volunteers, Wai Foong came and be PC's assistant/runner/driver for the week, Joyce coordinated with many churches and pastors, SWai, Peter and Hao Jiang were alertly stationed on both side of the stage to help move things on and off stage, Bern was directing the guy on how and when the lights need to come on... and many many more... if i miss out on your name, please add in the comments...

...has come and gone... but has there been CHANGE?
It's up to you and me to make that change happen.

*disclaimer - some of the photos were taken from other ppl's fb posting