Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fundraising Dinner

If you've seen our prospectus, you would know that we are doing fundraising for our new church building! It takes everyone to be of the same faith, spirit and heartbeat to make this dream come true. God anoints willingness, smiles on humility and multiplies every act of faith! Our desire is to see different ones stepping up to build God's House collectively. Let us write this nw chapter of faith together!

Discover Our Future Together!
Introduce to your friends and colleagues for a dinner together! =)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Farewell from Leon Tang

My brothers and sisters in Christ alike,
How wonderful to share my thanksgiving on this night;
First of all I thank God for this day,
For fellowship and worship before we go our way;
And for his son, Jesus, who came to earth to save,
He redeemed us all, while triumphantly rising from the grave.

I thank this church, and all who run this place,
From administration, pointcast, music, lights and sounds,
To the cell group leaders, and kidzone where ‘joy’ abounds.
Your skills and experience used nobly to build others up,
God has promised to bless your talents as he fills your cup.
We are based on believe, belong and become;
As parts of the body of Christ, acting as one.
Without you, the church would not be as it is now,
It makes this house of God leave us goin WoW!!

I and we especially want to thank a man who is friend to the multitudes,
Who currently speaks virtues of purity, commitment and gratitude;
A character who doesn’t ever seem to be grim,
This is our lovely, lovely (and most handsome) pastor tim.
I thank him for the word he sows,
That in us, it may grow, sow and overflow!
How does he do it, sermons week in and week out,
Not to mention ‘yum’ Next stop and Asam house.

To my fellow IMU-mers, this is for you.
Blesses are you, who comes into this house,
To join a place enriched in God’s pulse,
What I love the most is our life group sessions,
designed for sharing and discussion on sermons, life and lessons.
I give special thanks to our leader Jaws,
Who’s dedication deserves some applause *applaud*
Lastly, my fellow IMU-mers, this saying I wish to express,
Was one that over 3 years, I am impressed.
That is although, small doubts of church and spiritual things may arise,
Please always remember the lessons of building lives.

And lastly to all who I’ve met over the years,
I’ve enjoyed meeting and having fellowship among all the church peers,
Till next time, some day, maybe we may meet again,
Thanks to everyone in Eaglepoint puchong. . .Amen

Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Time Of Your Life"

Come and join us over lunch for an interesting video presentation, followed by a brief discussion call "Time Of Your Life".

"Time is our most valuable asset. We wear watches, we glance at the clock so we don't lose track of time. Yet there's something more important than knowing what time it is . . . it's knowing what to do with our time"

What's in it for me?
Many of us just look for ways to fill our days and miss the ways to fulfil our greater purpose. We often prioritize what is urgent over investing our time in the things that matter most. In this series, Andy challenges us to make the most of our time and every opportunity in the workplace and at home by providing practical tips and exercise to help us figure out how.

When & Where is it?
Date: 17 June 2011 (Friday)
Time : 12.15pm - 1.15pm
Venue: Conference Room, Level 5 of K-Residence at Avenue K, Jalan Ampang directly across the the street from the Petronas Towers (KLCC LRT stop is at the bottom of Avenue K). The main entrance for K Residence is behind Ave K.

Speaker's profile:
The 20-minute video is presented by Andy Stanley, the senior pastor of the North Point Community Churches with more than 20,000 attendees each week. He is an inspiring motivational speaker known for his relevant and practical messages. Andy is also the bestselling author of Visioneering, The Next Generation Leader and The Principle of the Path.

Please RSVP by 14 June 2011 so that sufficient lunch is prepared. Cost RM 10 per person.
RSVP: Steven 012-372 1388 or