Sunday, July 29, 2012

Eaglepoint Pillars

This is indeed a special weekend. Sharon, (which is me actually), decided to move on from working with the church office into her own business. The church prepared a video and a gift to honor her for serving in the church for the past ten years. In the course of her time here, she started as the administrator and then as the office manager and finally as the event manager.

Pastor Tim also took time to introduce all the church staffs. Pr Steven is the Executive Pastor that executes all the administrative and events and the human resources. Pr Cathryn is the other Executive Pastor that runs all the creative administrative together with Kelvin. They are assisted by Kareem, the Creative Director that overseas all the communicative medias. Tham is the Graphic Designer. Chrystin used to be the Multimedia Executive but she'd also decided to move to part-time to help her husband's business. Her place is being taken over by Leong. Khoo is the Admin Officer in the office. Tymi is the Kidzone head and Chris Leong is going to move on to further his studies and is now a part time at Community at Heart. Lastly, Pr Tim himself is a volunteer at the church that happens to the be Senior Pastor.

When you see these people, do try to appreciate them with a thank you or just a "well done"! They are giving the best part of their life to build the house of God instead of climbing a corporate ladder. =)

1 comment:

  1. I honour you all and will always be thankful for the tremendous input that you all have had on me and my family.
    I still download Pastors message series and can only see your church expanding rappidly.
    A very big Thank you from Australia
    Ian Draper
