Tuesday, March 3, 2009

a wedding

last weekend, a couple from church tied the knot at equatorial hotel. it was a simple, simply beautiful time. Shaun the groom, Mei Fung the bride.
Pastor shared a simple message. when many in this time will not choose this but this two person chose to keep purity before marriage, take the journey to work through premarital counselling, make a personal vow to each other... it's beautiful... i was sitting next to the family and the whole row of mother and sisters were sniffing. it was really touching to see them come together...

as u can see i'm sitting at the side so i cant get the front view of the couple and therefore cant show u the pretty bride. real pretty!!!
this is the dinner hall.. the deco is sooo cute. the couple making a speech.i was seating with the pastors...

this is just for laugh... the girls were comparing shoes and here came a male leather shoes joining into the conversation! it's really funny... guess who's shoe is that? ............*drum roll........... pastor tim's ! ahahaha... that's how funny your senior pastor is. i guess we were just all in a celebrative mood. happy for the couple, rejoicing in the atmosphere and be light hearted.... that's fellowship yo! Add Video

1 comment:

  1. hey sharon, thanks for posting this up ;)
